(Weitergeleitet von Über mich)
Zur Navigation springenZur Suche springenI am currently PhD student student at Stanford University (Mixed Signal Group):
Research Interests:
- Sampling theory, Finite Rate of Innovation sampling, Compressive Sampling
- System Identification
- Efficient linearization of PA (Power Amplifiers)
Former hobbys/interests
- IT Security, cryptography
- Linux, UNIX derivates and everything related to it
- Antique computers and mainframes (in particular 19" rackmount systems)
- Hardware-related development (microcontrollers, drivers, TI92+)
- Theoretical informatics, algorithms
- Webapplications
- Programming and Software Engineering. Starting from low-level assembly (i386, m68k, Atmel) to MFC. Windows API, POSIX, various programming languages (depending on usage)
- Computer and IT networks (protocols like TCP/IP, Ethernet, FibreChannel, TokenRing, ATM, ...)
- 19" (Servers, network components, ...)
- Communication technologies, telephony, ISDN, VoIP, Asterisk
- Wireless LAN Stiftingtal (http://www.stiftingtal.net), project closed